Global Industrial IoT Market Forecast

  • The global IIoT market is projected to grow at an impressive 17.6% CAGR over the coming five years, reaching an estimated value of $100 billion in 2025

  • The IIoT definition used in this report takes a very expansive view, including hardware, software, and service across industrial end market; however, it demonstrates well the magnitude of the IIoT opportunity

The only constant is change.

2020 disrupted manufacturing with massive shocks to supply chains, revenues, and jobs. Modernizing operations for Industry 4.0 is key to staying ahead, but compressed transformation timelines are both disruptive and daunting. How manufacturers adapt—and how quickly—will set them apart from their competitors. 

The ability to evolve with speed, and at scale with security, is the foundation for winning in tomorrow’s marketplace. 

Organizations large and small have been meeting the demand for hybrid work and learning environments, omnichannel delivery of goods and services, and a seemingly constant flurry of financial curveballs. These challenges have highlighted, like never before, the need for an agile infrastructure and a culture ready to embrace change. For many IT leaders, the foundation for agility resides in the cloud. Moving processes, applications, security, and other functions into public, private, or hybrid clouds not only extends access to dispersed teams, it also provides flexibility and dexterity to IT, allowing you to quickly do more with less from decentralized locations.



Smart mustering through Bluetooth-enabled sensors & employee badges for improved workplace safety, and monitoring of employees

Real-time plant visibility to help minimize manufacturing downtime with smart cameras

PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) detection


•Wi-Fi 6 & assurance with real-time network visibility and alerting 

•Support industrial IoT & a connected factory via asset tracking with Wireless BLE(Bluetooth Low Energy)

Seamless built-in security between switch ports & wireless devices with SecureConnect

•Deploy multiple sites in seconds with the Dashboard API


Advanced security & protection backed by world-renowned SD-WAN

In-depth video analytics using camera APIs


A foundation for agility.

Asset tracking remains a challenge for the many manufacturers with limited visibility into how assets are actually being used, which creates unnecessary expenses and lost productivity time. By embracing automation and modernization in your asset management, you can drive better outcomes, such as a reduction in loss and shrinkage, improved efficiency and productivity, maximized yield, and enhanced profitability.

In fact, predictive maintenance reduces machine downtime an average of 30% to 50%, and increases machine life between 20% and 40%, according to McKinsey & Co.*

*McKinsey & Co., “Manufacturing: Analytics unleashes profitability and productivity”

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